
專輯:Fearless (Taylor’s Version) 無懼的愛 (泰勒絲全新版)


Hidden message: Last summer was magical 美妙的去年夏天

Taylor Swift - Jump Then Fall (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)


I like the way you sound in the morning

我喜歡你剛睡醒時 你那慵懶美妙的口吻

We're on the phone and without a warning

當你我那天高興地煲著電話粥 毫無預兆之下

I realize your laugh is the best sound

我這才倏地意識到 你那爽朗宏亮的笑聲

I have ever heard


I like the way I can't keep my focus

每當與你交談時 我便無法維持注意力

I watch you talk, you didn't notice

總是癡癡看著你傻笑 而你渾然未覺

I hear the words but all I can think is

話語傳不進耳裡 因為我滿腦子都在想

We should be together

你我該走到一起 才是正確發展


Every time you smile, I smile

每當你展開笑靨 我便咧開嘴角

And every time you shine, I'll shine for you

若你要忙著拯救世界 我願在你身後守護你


Whoa oh, I'm feeling you, baby

噢 我只感覺到你一人 親愛的

Don't be afraid to


Jump then fall


Jump then fall into me


Baby, I'm never gonna leave you

親愛的除了你身邊 我哪兒都不

Say that you wanna be with me too

只要你主動開口 說你也想和我在一起

'Cause I'ma stay through it all

哪怕有重重阻礙 我也會一一擺平

So jump then fall



Well, I like the way your hair falls in your face

不得不說 你的瀏海垂得很自然 我很喜歡

You got the keys to me


I love each freckle on your face, oh

你臉上每一塊雀斑 都令我愛不釋手 噢

I've never been so wrapped up, honey

只因這感覺我實在無力抵抗 親愛的

I like the way you're everything I ever wanted

你的一稜一角 都是我夢寐以求的理想造型

I had time to think it oh-over

我還有大把時間 去穩住陣腳

And all I can say is come closer

但我只想說 『和我踢踢 好嗎?』

Take a deep breath and jump then fall into me

先來個深呼吸 然後跟我一起墜入情網


'Cause every time you smile, I smile

每當你露出靦腆的笑 嘴角便有掩不住的笑意

And every time you shine, I'll shine for you

而若是你綻放耀眼的光芒 我願作你的萬丈星光


Whoa oh, I'm feeling you, baby

噢 我只感覺到你一人 親愛的

Don't be afraid to


Jump then fall


Jump then fall into me


Baby, I'm never gonna leave you

親愛的除了你身邊 我哪兒都不去

Say that you wanna be with me too

只要你主動開口 說你也想和我在一起

'Cause I'ma stay through it all

哪怕有重重阻礙 我也會一一擺平

So jump then fall



The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet

水溝蓋被抽掉後 將使我倆墜入深不見底的深淵

I'll catch you, I'll catch you

但我保證 我會好好接住你

When people say things that bring you to your knees

當人們肆無忌憚地說你的壞話 令你成忙得暈頭轉向

I'll catch you


The time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry

總會有那麼一兩個悲傷階段 而又氣又急的你幾乎就要哭出來

But I'll hold you through the night until you smile

可我會將你擁在懷裡安慰 直至你重拾笑臉


Whoa oh, I need you, baby

噢 我只要你一人 親愛的

Don't be afraid to


Jump then fall


Jump then fall into me


Baby, I'm never gonna leave you

親愛的除了你身邊 我哪兒都不去

Say that you wanna be with me too

只要你主動開口 說你也想和我在一起

'Cause I'ma stay through it all

哪怕有重重阻礙 我也會擺平

So jump then fall


Jump then fall, baby

別緊張 我就在這兒等你

Jump then fall into me, into me

跳進來 我會穩穩接住你


Every time you smile, I smile

每當你展開笑靨 我便咧開嘴角

And every time you shine, I'll shine for you

若你要忙著拯救世界 我願在你身後守護你

And every time you're here


Baby, I'll show you, I'll show you

親愛的 就讓我來為你示範一次

You can jump then fall, jump then fall

你可以先稍微助跑 然後縱身一躍

Jump then fall into me, into me, yeah

墜入情網 就由我來接住你 耶

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