專輯:Fearless (Taylor’s Version) - 無懼的愛 (泰勒絲全新版)
Hidden message: What I was really thinking when I slammed the door 將門摔在後頭時,我想的是
Taylor Swift - The Other Side Of The Door (Taylor’s Version) (Lyric Video)
In the heat of the fight I walked away
經過一番爭吵 我決定先行離開戰局
Ignoring words that you were saying
完全無視你的存在 還有從你口中冒出的挑釁
Trying to make me stay
I said, "This time I've had enough"
我憤慨地說『這一次 我真的受夠了』
And you've called a hundred times
這幾個小時 你大概打了上百通電話
But I'm not picking up
'Cause I'm so mad I might tell you that it's over
因為正在氣頭上的我 只拋下一句『我們之間玩完了』便抱胸離去
But if you look a little closer
可若是你再走上前一步 仔細觀察我的心意 你就會明白
I said, "Leave," but all I really want is you
To stand outside my window throwing pebbles
淋雨站在我家門前 朝落地窗扔小石子引起我注意
Screaming, "I'm in love with you"
尖聲嘶吼『我愛的人 一直都只有你呀』
Wait there in the pouring rain
冒著偌大的雨勢 只為懇求我原諒
Come back for more
見我不回應 就稍後再來吧
And don't you leave 'cause I know
可別趁我不注意偷偷逃走囉 因為呀
All I need is on the other side of the door
我知道心愛的你 就在這扇門的另一頭
Me and my stupid pride are sitting here alone
我和我那拉不下來的臉 正孤單地陪彼此作伴
Going through the photographs, staring at the phone
一次又一次地瀏覽相簿 瞪視著桌上的手機
I keep going back over things we both said
我不斷回想那時 你我無意間說了不少氣話
And I remember the slamming door
將門摔在後頭的聲響 仍迴盪於耳畔
And all the things that I misread
看來我呀 似乎對你產生不小的誤解
So babe if you know everything
親愛的 既然你真有那麼神通廣大
Tell me why you couldn't see
告訴我 為什麼你就是搞不懂
When I left, I wanted you to chase after me
當我奪門而出時 其實我該有多麼希望你沖出來追我
Yeah, I said, "Leave," but all I really want is you
耶 也許嘴上嘟噥著『給我滾出去!』可我其實希望你別走
To stand outside my window throwing pebbles
淋雨站在我家門前 朝落地窗扔小石子拜託我回應
Screaming, "I'm in love with you"
對我深情喊話『我愛的人 一直都只有你呀』
Wait there in the pouring rain
冒著偌大的雨勢 只為懇求我原諒
Come back for more
要是我無暇回應 不如稍後再來吧
And don't you leave 'cause I know
可別趁我不注意開溜囉 因為呀
All I need is on the other side of the door
我知道心愛的你 正在這扇門的另一頭
And I'll scream out the window
而透著窗扉 大喊你名字的我
I can't even look at you
I don't need you but I do, I do, I do
I say, "There's nothing you can say
而我說 『這次無論你再多說什麼
To make this right again, I mean it, I mean it"
我都不打算原諒你了 我是認真的 沒在開玩笑的』
What I mean is
其實這句話 跟我想表達的意思 差了十萬八千里
I said, "Leave,"
But baby, all I want is you
可親愛的 除了你我現在誰都不想見
To stand outside my window throwing pebbles
Screaming, "I'm in love with you"
Wait there in the pouring rain
在外頭多淋一點雨 給我好好反省自己
Come back for more
見我未多加理睬 就等等再回來
And don't you leave 'cause I know
要是你偷偷落跑 我絕對會要你好看
All I need is on the other side of the door
With your face and the beautiful eyes
裝出一副人畜無害的模樣 換上無辜眼神
And the conversation with the little white lies
以無害的暖心話術 來彌封這些違心之論
And the faded picture of a beautiful night
順帶附贈一張 泛黃的絢爛夜景
You carried me from your car up the stairs
你把我從車上扛出來 一路抱回樓上的房間
And I broke down crying, was she worth this mess?
而我癱軟在地 痛哭失聲『她真的值得你這麼對我嗎?』
After everything and that little black dress
之所以有這場災難 一切元凶都直指向那件黑色小洋裝
After everything I must confess, I need you
可歷經這些風波後 我不得不承認 自己真的不能沒有你