
專輯:Fearless (Taylor’s Version) - 無懼的愛 (泰勒絲全新版)


Hidden message: Won't admit that I wish you'd come back 不願承認想等你回來

Taylor Swift - Come In With The Rain (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)


I could go back to every laugh

動態回顧播放著 與你共度的歡笑時光

But I don't wanna go there anymore

可如今的我 說什麼也不願再多作回想

And I know all the steps up to your door

而我記得要踩幾層階梯 才走得到你的房間

But I don't wanna go there anymore

事到如今 與你和好的念頭皆被打消


Talk to the wind, talk to the sky

等風兒捎來回音 瞧我抬頭問蒼天

Talk to the man with the reasons why

找那個人談談 他錯過些什麼 

And let me know what you find

等你聽完 別忘了如實回報我


I'll leave my window open

今晚我仍為你敞開窗扉 不願多追問什麼

'Cause I'm too tired at night to call your name

只因我實在疲憊地無法再張口 向市呼喊你的姓名

Just know I'm right here hoping

只希望將來 哪天你良心發現

That you'll come in with the rain

也能不畏風雨 來見上我一面


I could stand up and sing you a song

我能夠從椅凳起身 為你獻唱一曲

But I don't wanna have to go that far

可這麼做 究竟又挽回得了什麼?

And I, I've got you down, I know you by heart

而我 一度讓你失望 卻也是最了解你的人

And you don't even know where I start



Talk to yourself, talk to the tears

不妨捫心自問 質問臉頰流淌的淚水

Talk to the man who put you here

想想多虧了誰 才有現在的身份地位

And don't wait for the sky to clear

可別等烏雲散去 才從美夢中清醒


I'll leave my window open


'Cause I'm too tired at night to call your name


Just know I'm right here hoping

直到今天 我仍將身子探出窗外 期盼著

That you'll come in with the rain

希望哪天你想起我 會衝進雨中帶我走


I've watched you so long, screamed your name

當時我隱著淚 望著你離去 朝背影吶喊你的名字

I don't know what else I can say

可現在我 也不知道該說什麼才好了


But I'll leave my window open

可今晚我為你做的事 剩下推開窗扉

'Cause I'm too tired at night for all these games


Just know I'm right here hoping

『我就在這裡等你』 這點請你謹記在心

That you'll come in with the rain

希望哪天你良心發現 能不畏風雨回來


I could go back to every laugh

我大可回溯 與你開懷大笑的場景

But I don't wanna go there anymore


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