
專輯:Taylor Swift (Taylor’s Version) - 泰勒絲同名專輯 (泰勒絲全新版)



Hidden message:  You are not alone 你並不孤單

* 泰勒高中時期曾遭同學霸凌排擠。

The Outside


I didn't know what I would find

我不曉得 我會得到什麼樣的答案

When I went looking for a reason, I know

我尋找的 是對他人顯而易見的原因 我明白

I didn't read between the lines

我真的讀不懂 別人的言下之意

And, baby, I've got nowhere to go

但親愛的 我實在沒有其他地方可去


I tried to take the road less traveled by

我試著旁敲側擊 練習用各種不同方式來融入

But nothing seems to work the first few times

可接連試了好幾遍 依然沒有起色 似乎還是行不通

Am I right?



So how can I ever try to be better?

既然如此 告訴我該怎麼讓自己變好呢?

Nobody ever lets me in


I can still see you, this ain't the best view

我依然看得清楚 儘管眼前這幅景色有些模糊

On the outside looking in

站在圈外 看著歡笑的

I've been a lot of lonely places


I've never been on the outside

可被人排除在外 這還是頭一次


You saw me there, but never knew

雖然你與我擦肩而過 可是你曉得

That I would give it all up to be

那就是 我願意用自己微薄的所有

A part of this, a part of you

交換一切 去成為你們的好朋友

And now it's all too late

現在才出手相助 已經太遲

So you see

你才會看見 我孤單的樣子


You could've helped if you had wanted to

要是你真的願意伸出援手 其實都不算太遲

But no one notices until it's too

可從來沒有人察覺到異狀 直到

Late to do anything

為時已晚 來不及彌補


How can I ever try to be better?

能不能告訴我 如何成為更好的人呢?

Nobody ever lets me in


I can still see you, this ain't the best view

我依然看得清楚 儘管眼前這幅景色有些模糊

On the outside looking in

站在圈外 看著歡笑的你

I've been a lot of lonely places


I've never been on the outside

可被人排除在外 這還是頭一次




How can I ever try to be better?

能不能告訴我 如何成為更好的人呢?

Nobody ever lets me in


I can still see you, this ain't the best view

我依然看得清楚 儘管眼前這幅景色有些模糊

On the outside looking in

站在圈外 看著歡笑的你

I've been a lot of lonely places


I've never been on the outside

可被人排除在外 這還是頭一次




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