
專輯:Taylor Swift (Taylor’s Version) 泰勒絲同名專輯 (泰勒絲全新版)


Hidden message: Live in love 活在愛的當下

Taylor Swift - Our Song


I was ridin' shotgun with my hair undone


In the front seat of his car

坐在副駕駛座上 目不轉睛地看著他

He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel

他一手放在方向盤 氣勢洶洶地換檔 加快速度行駛

The other on my heart

另一隻貼在我胸前 內心波濤洶湧

I look around, turn the radio down

我環顧四周 接著把收音機音量調小

He says, "Baby, is something wrong?"

而他連忙問「怎麼了嗎 親愛的?」

I say, "Nothin', I was just thinkin'

我搖搖頭 說「沒有啦 我只是在想

How we don't have a song"

這麼久 卻沒有我們專屬的情歌」

And he says

而他兀自微笑 接著說


Our song is the slamming screen door


Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window

半夜從後門偷偷溜出來 敲敲你家落地窗

When we're on the phone and you talk real slow

每次跟你煲電話粥 你講話都超慢超小聲

'Cause it's late and your mama don't know

畢竟時間不早了 要是被你媽逮到就完了

Our song is the way you laugh

我們的歌 也是你那清脆如銀鈴般的笑聲

The first date

還記得初次約會啊 我在回家路上懊惱著

"Man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have"

「天啊 我居然沒吻那女孩 我真該抓準時機的」

And when I got home, 'fore I said amen

睡前 我跪在床邊禱告 在我說出阿們前

Askin' God if he could play it again

我問主 能不能好心點 給我第二次機會


I was walking up the front porch steps

我三步併作兩步 蹦蹦跳跳上你家門階

After everything that day

自從發生那些事後 日後我們每次約會

Had gone all wrong or been trampled on

不是發生小插曲 不然就是因故變了調

And lost and thrown away

以至於氣氛尷尬又難堪 害你我不自在

Got to the hallway, well on my way

我穿過長長的走廊 拖著疲憊的身軀

To my lovin' bed


I almost didn't notice all the roses

差點就沒注意到 床頭櫃擺的那束玫瑰

And the note that said

還有旁邊擺的小字條 上面清清楚楚寫著:


Our song is the slamming screen door

我們的歌呢 就是我將紗門拉上時的聲響

Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window

從後門偷溜出來 半夜跑到你家門外敲窗

When we're on the phone and you talk real slow

當我們講電話聊得太投入 忘了時間 你的聲音就變得又慢又低

'Cause it's late and your mama don't know

因為時候不早了 要是被你媽逮到肯定要完蛋

Our song is the way you laugh

我們的歌 也像你笑起來的模樣 有如風鈴叮鈴作響的寧夏

The first date: "Man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have"

還記得初次約會那天 我還在懊惱自己怎麼這麼膽小

And when I got home, 'fore I said amen

準備就寢前 我跪在床邊 暗暗祈禱著:

Askin' God if he could play it again

主呀 要是能再給我一次機會 我肯定不會讓它溜走





I've heard every album, listened to the radio

家裡每張專輯 每個電臺都被我聽透透了

Waited for somethin' to come along

等待靈感湧現的瞬間 足以讓我振筆疾書

That was as good as our song

寫下能媲美我們的曲 那樣的難得好詞


'Cause our song is the slamming screen door

因為我們的歌 可不是只有從後門溜出

Sneakin' out late, tappin' on his window

半夜偷偷見面 打打暗號這麼簡單而已

When we're on the phone and he talks real slow

每次聊到快三更半夜 他聲音就忽然變得又緩又低

'Cause it's late and his mama don't know

因為時候不早了 要是被他媽媽知道肯定饒不了他

Our song is the way he laughs

我們的歌 是他那爽朗悅耳的笑聲 足以溫暖我心

The first date: "Man, I didn't kiss him, and I should have"

初次約會天 我懊惱地扶額 心想『天呀 我居然沒吻他』

And when I got home, 'fore I said amen

一回到家後 我坐在書桌前祈禱著

Askin' God if he could play it again

要是能重來 我肯定會毫不猶豫地吻他


Play it again, oh, yeah

毫不猶豫 噢 耶

Oh, oh, yeah

噢 噢 耶


I was ridin' shotgun with my hair undone

記得那天我連頭髮都沒吹乾 就衝到屋外

In the front seat of his car

拉開車門 一屁股坐進他車內

I grabbed a pen and an old napkin

我用嘴吐掉筆蓋 隨手抽了張餐巾紙

And I wrote down our song

趁靈感一來 火速寫我們的歌

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