
專輯:Taylor Swift (Taylor’s Version) 泰勒絲同名專輯 (泰勒絲全新版)


Hidden message:  You are loved 你是被人愛著的

Tied Together with a Smile

* 本曲寫給泰勒罹患飲食失調的高中同學,而她本身也是病友。


Seems the only one who doesn't see your beauty

看這個樣子 唯一看不見美麗容顏的那個人

Is the face in the mirror looking back at you

鏡子對面 直勾勾盯著你看的那個人

You walk around here thinking you're not pretty

你在這裡走來走去 心裏想著 你長得不夠好看

But that's not true


'Cause I know you



Hold on, baby, you're losing it

加油呀 寶貝 你就快潰堤了

The water's high, you're jumping into it and letting go

情緒的河水高漲 你跳進悲傷惟谷之中 盡情宣洩著

And no one knows



That you cry, but you don't tell anyone

是你忍不住哭了 但你不可以跟別人說

That you might not be the golden one

而你 說不定不是男孩喜歡的那個 

And you're tied together with a smile

而後來 你決定用一個微笑做自己

But you're coming undone, oh

後來卻只覺心情無比低靡 噢


I guess it's true that love was all you wanted

我猜 和喜歡的男生談戀 就是你希望的

'Cause you're giving it away like it's extra change

因為你把手邊得到的愛送走 就像小費般揮霍

Hoping it will end up in his pocket (Pocket)

並希望總有一天 會進到他口袋裡 (口袋)

But he leaves you out like a penny in the rain

但後來他將你留在原地 就像滾進雨中的硬幣

Oh, 'cause it's not his price to pay

噢 因為愛 不是他需要付的代價

It's not his price to pay



Hold on, baby, you're losing it

加油呀 寶貝 你就快潰堤了

The water's high, you're jumping into it and letting go

情緒的河水高漲 你跳進悲傷惟谷之中 盡情宣洩

And no one knows



That you cry, but you don't tell anyone

是你忍不住哭了 但你不可以跟別人說

That you might not be the golden one

而你 說不定不是男孩喜歡的那個 

And you're tied together with a smile

而後來 你決定用一個微笑做自己

But you're coming undone, oh

後來卻只覺心情無比低靡 噢

Oh, oh

噢 噢


Hold on, baby, you're losing it

加油呀 寶貝 你就快潰堤了

The water's high, you're jumping into it and letting go

情緒的河水高漲 你跳進悲傷惟谷之中 盡情宣洩著

And no one knows



That you cry, but you don't tell anyone

是你忍不住哭了 但你不可以跟別人說

That you might not be the golden one

而你 說不定不是男孩喜歡的那個 

And you're tied together with a smile

而後來 你決定用一個微笑做自己

But you're coming undone, oh

後來卻只覺心情無比低靡 噢


You're tied together with a smile

最後 你決定用一個微笑做自己

But you're coming undone, oh, oh-oh

後來卻只覺心情無比低靡 噢 噢-噢

Goodbye, baby

再見了 寶貝

With a smile, baby, baby

掛著微笑道別 寶貝 寶貝


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